Friday, October 18, 2024

Weekly horoscope for July 14 – July 20: What the stars have in store

Must read

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.


MAR 21 – APR 20


The remaining pieces of a communication puzzle can fall into place as you feel the upfront strength of Mars surge in your chart. 

You know what to say – but more important, when to stay silent. 

Love is fun and full of  frolics, but Venus adds a layer of serious intent – so partners who giggle together can grow together, too. 

Luck circles a bright pattern of palm trees or fronds. 


APR 21 – MAY 21


As warrior planet Mars departs your sign,  you can feel a deep sigh of contentment take its place. 

Where you’ve been agitated you can be calm, and able to see straight through some family or friendship fake news. 

The home you have could become the home you need, when you adjust who is in it, rather than where it is.

A partnership moon shines bright on reconciliations.


MAY 22 – JUNE 21


You can fly high and keep on rising, with the powerful wind of planet Mars beneath your wings.

Independent thought and action, plus a certain level of confidence, can all be on the way back. 

But the thoughtful part of you is also engaged – love-wise, this enchants an elusive Aquarius. 


A  partner can’t know your true thoughts until you share them, in words or actions.


JUNE 22 – JULY 22


Dreams can feel closer to reality than they have for months – the difference is your can-do attitude. 

From this week you can accept people, and situations, as they are and work with what you have, not waste time wishing. 

As for love, Venus means business, and what seems like a dry agreement can free two hearts for juicy love times. 

A chat about healthy food can be a business beacon.  


JULY 23 – AUG 23


This is your week to accept your annual starring romance role as a love-magnet – anywhere, with anyone. 

Romantic surprises can be all around, and if you are already settled with a partner, this could include a massive change of direction, or opinion. 

A moon gift for finding new ways to speed up regular tasks could have a cash bonus.

Your greatest future friendship starts with loathe at first sight. 


AUG 24 – SEPT 22


Your moment to step up arrives with planet Mars, plus the ability to scan or scroll through a list of goals and instantly see which one works best for you. 

No matter what other people think, or say. 

There’s special sight for you in love terms too this week, with no need for rose-tinted glasses as you accept everyone and everything, exactly as they are. 

This includes yourself.


SEPT 23 – OCT 23


A moon of solidifying money decisions is so strong for you all week – so do try not to delay a set of choices.

Make up your mind, feel stress levels lift, but also relish the chance to show what you can do, money-wise. 

As for love, your soulmate is already in your daily life, your names cheek-to-cheek on a list is your clue. 

Luck draws a tall triangle.


OCT 24 – NOV 22


You can start the week with some deep inner thought, as the moon encourages contemplation. 

You see a sudden solution to a longstanding issue – but also realise who and what you can simply let go, as your life starts moving forward.

Do it with kindness, but don’t delay this process.

Unusual fashion or beauty, whether as business or pleasure, is holding open a special place for you. 


NOV 23 – DEC 21


Strong feelings for someone, or perhaps something, can also carry an element of jealousy – and Mars could intensify this, this week. 

Being prepared is the answer, plus trusting yourself to do the right thing.

You have the strongest sense of fair play in the zodiac right now. 

At work,  teamwork can challenge you, but it’s worth the effort. 

In love, make sure decisions work equally both ways.


DEC 22 – JAN 20


Instead of focusing only on results, Mars’ new planet position helps you savour the process, and learn as you go, in everything from work to love. 

But you also appreciate so deeply everything that others do for you – and you’re ready to show this, without holding back.

Pluto still stirs up cash affairs –  if a current knot seems impossible to untangle, going back three months could be the key.


JAN 21 – FEB 18


As your imagination fires up you can be your own best inspiration – taking stories and supportive rules from special people in your life, and making them uniquely your own. 

You really have a “Voice” right now, in everything from career meetings to love promises.

Venus stresses commitment, but there’s such fun in your chart, too – you blend both in ground-breaking ways.

The luck factor waits in a queue of four.


FEB 19 – MAR 20


You’re one of the zodiac’s most diligent workers – this week, beware of giving too much energy to career. 

Save the best of yourself for love, because it will be worth it! 

If you’re settled, Mars sparks fiery desire, in unlikely settings. 

So a bond burns with brilliant heat. 


The One can appear where outdoor food is cooking. 

Health shouldn’t be all or nothing – do build a better balance.

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