Monday, September 16, 2024

‘Our multi-cultural megastore Ipswich Bazaar can save the town’

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George King/BBC News The Ipswich Bazaar team smile as they stand together in the new storeGeorge King/BBC News

The team at Ipswich Bazaar celebrate the store’s opening

The owner of a new multicultural megastore has said he believes it could help save a town centre.

Ipswich Bazaar, which has taken over the former Woolworths and Poundland site, has just welcomed its first customers.

The Carr Street store, which includes a bakery, restaurant, and a butchers, stocks produce from all over the world, including items not available in other supermarkets.

“We are doing something extraordinary and nobody has seen a shop like this – it has everything,” said Ariful Islam, the owner.

George King/BBC News Ariful Islam, in a white polo shirt, smiles as he stands outside his new storeGeorge King/BBC News

Ipswich Bazaar owner Ariful Islam hopes his new store can revitalise the town centre

George King/BBC News Row after row of shelves, packed with productsGeorge King/BBC News

The megastore stocks produce from around the world

Mr Islam believes Ipswich Bazaar, which has created more than 50 jobs, can now help turn the fortunes of the town centre around.

He added: “On Saturdays there are no people in the town but in one month there will be a big change in the town – it will be packed. [It will save the town], 110%.

“It has been a rollercoaster with ups and downs, and day and night I have been running here and there to get it sorted, but there is a relief we are now open.

“This is the best store in Suffolk, no doubt about it.”

George King/BBC News Ipswich Bazaar's butcheryGeorge King/BBC News

The store has a meat counter and will soon have a restaurant too

Nigel Watson, 53, was one of the first customers.

He said: “I am really impressed – there is a really great selection of goods about and there are different products to what you see in your normal supermarket.

“It is good it is opening in the town centre because it is will bring vitality back to Ipswich.”

George King/BBC News Shopper Nigel WatsonGeorge King/BBC News

Nigel Watson was one of the first shoppers to visit the store

Steve Martin/BBC  Shoppers in Ipswich BazaarSteve Martin/BBC

Shoppers flocked to Ipswich Bazaar after it launched on Monday

George King/BBC News Mayor of Ipswich, Elango K. Elavalaka George King/BBC News

Ipswich’s mayor, Elango Elavalakan, helped to officially open Ipswich Bazaar

The mayor of Ipswich, Elango Elavalakan, said: “This is very good because this [building] was empty but now it is back in use and that is very, very important for us. This is a good addition to the town.

“We are very proud Ipswich is a multicultural town and this is a multicultural store, which can attract many communities who will shop and eat here.

“When the people come here they will also start to shop in other places as well, and so the older shops will benefit because of Ipswich Bazaar.”

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