Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thousands of jobs tied to munitions production

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In a recent written parliamentary question and answer session, Conservative MP James Cartlidge inquired about the number of jobs linked to munitions production.

The question, directed at the Ministry of Defence, sought clarity on both direct and indirect employment figures in this sector.

Responding to the query, Maria Eagle, Minister of State for the Ministry of Defence, provided detailed insights. According to Eagle, the government acknowledges the crucial role that defence plays not only in ensuring national security but also in the economic prosperity and growth of the United Kingdom.

“This Government recognises the vital role defence plays not only in our national security but also to the economic prosperity and growth of the United Kingdom.”

Eagle highlighted, “The most recent estimates show that in 2021-22, the Ministry of Defence spent £950 million in the Weapons and Ammunition industry, which supported an estimated 5,200 industry-wide jobs in the UK.”

Breaking down the figures, she noted that “of these 5,200 jobs, 2,700 were direct positions specifically within the Weapons and Ammunition sector.” Additionally, a further 2,500 indirect jobs were sustained across various industry sectors, contributing to the delivery of end products and meeting service requirements.

Eagle also mentioned the importance of the sector, stating, “This Government recognises the vital role defence plays not only in our national security but also to the economic prosperity and growth of the United Kingdom.”

She also mentioned that updated job figures for the fiscal year 2022-23 are expected to be published later this year, which will provide more current data on the employment impact of munitions production in the UK.

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