Thursday, September 19, 2024


UK to spend £140m on aid to Yemen to help ‘most desperate people in the world’, deputy foreign secretary says

The UK will spend £140m next year helping starving people in Yemen...

Nearly 40% of dirty money is laundered in London and UK crown dependencies

Nearly 40% of the dirty money in the world is going through the City of London and other crown dependencies, the UK’s deputy foreign...

Peru officially classifies trans people as ‘mentally ill’

Last week, her brother Nicanor Boluarte was arrested for selling senior jobs...

UK summons Chinese envoy over ‘foreign interference’, espionage claims

Beijing's top diplomat in London on Tuesday warned that the UK risked jeopardising relations with China, after he was hauled in by...

US condemns UK for praying woman’s abortion clinic arrest

A US government agency has condemned the UK for “targeting religious expression”...

UK MPs arrested for sexual offences face parliament ban

UK MPs arrested on suspicion of serious sexual or violent offences could be barred from attending parliament after lawmakers changed the rules in a...

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