Wednesday, January 8, 2025

December’s monthly horoscope: What each sign has in store for Christmas love

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ASTROLOGER Maggie Innes has looked to the stars to find out what’s coming up for the 12 star signs this festive season.

Read on to see what could happen in life and love.


Sagittarius is the sign of the archer

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)


You could ask for no better start to December than an early-morning new moon on the 1st in your very own sign. Get up and get going – you can achieve so much, map out a personal month that puts you front and centre in all your plans, not just a few. You benefit from Neptune’s positive push in your family and security zone on December 7 – it feels safer, and sweeter, to show your
vulnerable side. Perhaps making adjustments to a plan that so far has seemed so fixed. By the 27th, when you have acute moon insight, you can see exactly where you need life to go next.


As Mars flips back through your adventure chart, you are prone to
romance risks and impulsive actions. So there’s an undercurrent of sexy excitement all month, especially at last-minute gatherings. If you’re settled, do guard against “new” clouding your vision. Look closer to find everything you need in the love you have, over Christmas.

Special date

December 29 – the moon and Venus transform your personal star space into a place of passionate wishes and self-belief.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Capricorn is the sign of the goat


Capricorn is the sign of the goat


Take the first few weeks of December to fine-tune your dreams, so
when the sun hits your own sign on the 21st , you’ll be ready to move. From work pay-offs to cash pay-outs, you can uplift your name to the top of any performance list. Jupiter’s also engaged to keep you optimistic, especially in health terms – however long results may be delayed, they can be coming through by the 10th . After a festive season of secret looks and refreshed love, you end the month with a
personal new moon, and carte blanche to be anyone you want to be.


The support and sensuality of Venus may leave your own sign after the first week – but by then you should already know your next steps. The rest of the month is about making them happen, in ways that feel totally true to your true self. A waiting queue, perhaps linked to cash, can introduce a special someone on the 27th.

Special date

On the 4th, let instincts decide what you buy, eat or say. You’ve
stifled your genuine needs way too long already, now set them free.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Aquarius is the sign of the water bearer


Aquarius is the sign of the water bearer


The loving patience of Venus joins the take no prisoners attitude of Pluto in your own sign on December 7, and however lofty your hopes may seem, they can start moving much closer to reality. Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of a month by monitoring quantity and quality of everything from alcohol intake to sleep. But do leave space for surprises, including the return of a much-missed face, around the 17th. Neptune softens your cash approach, and second chances can be the effect – you are also in a forgiving and forgetting mood most of the month. Mercury wins word prizes and charm competitions with friends, from the 15th onwards.


Venus may provide luscious love interest all month – but it’s the full moon on December 15 that seals the deal. You have a level of love abandon and recklessness that’s irresistible – and no one is out of your unique league. By New Year’s Eve you can voice special words for the very first time.

Special date

December 23 – the moon and Jupiter teach you a wonderful life and luck lesson.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces is the sign of the fish


Pisces is the sign of the fish


You’ve been waiting since July for your ruler Neptune to fast-forward again, and in the second week of this month, it finally happens. But don’t rush headlong into big romantic or responsibility commitments, as so many juicy options can line up for you over the following few days. The moon and Jupiter conjunction on December 14 is especially significant for family progress. Your most vital star skill for December is emotional insight, but it’s balanced by sometimes brutal logic, and the ability to balance several lovers, options and even bosses at the same time. Christmas puts extra sparkle on communication skills, as Uranus makes you smart, cheeky – even outrageous!


Your new Neptune emotional confidence is complemented by Venus’
dream-catching energy – so as soon as you set your sights on someone, love – sparks can fly. Promises deepen on the 16th, and a date pool gets deeper and more delicious on the 27th.

Special date

December 24 – a Jupiter and Saturn square-up challenges the status quo, but in ways that unlock hidden depths and talents in your Pisces self.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries is the sign of the ram


Aries is the sign of the ram


In a month that features a rare double new moon, your prime zodiac
focus is turning learning into results. This can be at home, with a firm set of goals replacing a long time of talking, or at work – as you bring your whole authentic self to even unwanted tasks, and really stand out. So many “firsts” lie ahead, between December 1 and 30. Your ruler Mars spins into retrograde and this can upend the place of children in your future, and how and where you flex your creativity skills. Until February 2025 you can surprise everyone, but most of
all yourself. Even in the most challenging times, Saturn’s support for
your secret dreams ensures you’ve got this, Aries!


Passion planet Venus’ December path is from casual to committed. Subtle suggestions strengthen into straight-up requests and you deal expertly with any answers. Second half of the month can include a special “5” date you’ll celebrate way into the future.

Special date

An early Christmas gift around December 11 reveals so much about the giver – and your own feelings.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21)

Taurus is the sign of the bull


Taurus is the sign of the bull


Mercury’s retrograde ends on December 15, so if you have crucial
decisions to make, try to hold off till then. Your zone of deepest connections and beliefs is involved, and you may not always be 100% honest with yourself before that. This month is book-ended by two new moons, and for Taurus these highlight transformation. Hopes to look, or live, so differently can start on the 1st and be coming true by the 30th . Rich colours are lucky all month. Jupiter can bring unexpected cash around the 22nd .


Your gentle ruler Venus begins the month in adventure mode, so get any cheeky passion plans into play by December 7th. Including a journey that takes you back and forward at the same time. The rest of your month is about expecting bigger, better, bolder passion. Neptune’s retrograde flirts up your friendship zone – when mates reconnect mid-month, in person or by messages or gifts, what happens next sets your heart racing.

Special date

On Friday 13, the moon and Uranus match in Taurus – expect the
unexpected, think the unthinkable! But always believe in yourself.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

Gemini is the sign of the twins


Gemini is the sign of the twins


Feeling truly part of a team may be tougher for the first two weeks, but when your ruler Mercury leaves retrograde mid-month, so much can seem so clear. You don’t like to lay down the law, but to
get things done, and a big event properly planned, you may need to. Mars’ about- turn in your communication chart can bring surprise connections, and strong words, at home and at work – and this
time you can stick to a controversial set of promises. The sun simplifies complicated emotions on the 21st , and a loyalty choice almost makes itself.


Venus moves to fellow air sign Aquarius on December 7th , and this spurs you to go further and expect more in all aspects of love. Your heart is full, yet your mind retains control and you see exactly what lovers need, especially around December 14. A challenging chat
on the 19th can turn to cherished memories by the 24th . A delayed,
delicious mistletoe moment can happen on December 28.

Special date

The full moon in Gemini on December 15 opens an emotional door you may have assumed was closed forever.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Cancer is the sign of the crab


Cancer is the sign of the crab


The backward track of Mars through your money and values sector
for most of the month inspires heart- searching, and you have the power to turn personal negatives into positives – but it must be purely your choice. You make rules, and break rules, to suit yourself rather than everyone else. But do keep any inner promises, and secret confidences, especially around the full moon on the 15th. A creative Christmas gift on the 25th can unlock a bright new career horizon.


Questions you may have been asking since the summer can be
suddenly answered when Neptune spins direct again on December 7. This can rewrite a guest list. While Venus simultaneously shimmies into your Be Anyone You Like zone and you feel able to love as the passionate person you know you are, inside. Jupiter joy encourages you to dream big, and your favourite Christmas song can signal this
stepping up, around the 20th.

Special date

The new moon sparks strong new partnership and parenting
plans on the 30th – and a shared pledge on the 31st .

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Leo is the sign of the lion


Leo is the sign of the lion


Your own sign hosts the warrior planet’s retrograde from December 6, and although this may feel at first like a Leo go-slow, it gives you headspace and time to be really sure you’re on the appropriate path. By your own deep-dive monthly moon spell, on December 18 and 19, you’ll be back on form, and on target. Pluto’s influence is strong in terms of teams from two to twenty, you can bring (and keep) all kinds of personalities, and opinions, together all month – perhaps on the air. A new Christmas introduction can upgrade your fitness future.


Hard love yards can turn to effortless bliss as Venus enters your
happy ever after sector, after the first week. A flirty new moon gives you added attraction power on the 1st, and a destiny date can happen second time around, on the 22nd. While commitment
whispers turn to out-loud words when you least expect it, in the last week of December.

Special date

December 12 – Venus is in opposition to Mars, and two equally
tantalising love choices offer two totally different directions. Which will you choose?

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Virgo is the sign of the virgin


Virgo is the sign of the virgin


Make Mercury’s switch to a positive path really count on the 15th – by
getting all your research done and dusted before then. Especially if you’re thinking of changing address, at home or at work. The harder facts and figures are to find, or finalise, the more determined you can become. The full moon, also on December 15, can find you upending
festive plans and going for something totally different, either in who is there or where you go. But deep down you will know what is right for you. You ring in the New Year with a new face that intrigues and excites you.


As super-sensitive Neptune spins direct again in the second week, you let yourself feel more deeply, love more fully. Be prepared – this can bring its share of show-downs. Venus offers you one week of rollicking romance and three weeks of solid emotional wellbeing.
Three kisses are your passion clue on December 26.

Special date

December 18 – the moon and Mercury firm up family affairs, and a time of cash or commitment doubts can end.

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Libra is the sign of the weighing scales


Libra is the sign of the weighing scales


You’re ready to look longer and harder at social connections as Mars pushes back, Who really brings something to your life – and who just takes, takes takes? The answers are all there this month, and the most courageous of planets helps you answer them well. But this may dent certain people’s pride. Your festive chart is focused on clear Mercury communication and warm Sun optimism. Family distance can reduce when you are honest, while a casual work Christmas chat can unwrap big business ideas.


Laughter and love are linked for the last three weeks of December as Venus takes hold in your charisma chart. You’ve got all the moves, and a sexy Leo is waiting to see them. If you’re coupled up, making something beautiful together, from decorations to promises to a baby, can make this a memorable time. Mars can conceal dynamite desire in a Secret Santa.

Special date

From the 20th to the 22nd, no sign matches you for seeing past pretence and sussing out true motives and emotions. Don’t waste this power.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Scorpio is the sign of the scorpion


Scorpio is the sign of the scorpion


All the fresh energy of the new moon on December 1st takes your
finances and tries a totally new approach – to spending, saving, or both. After a time of feeling overwhelmed, you can be back in control this month, and this comes to a climax on December 30 where you share smart cash tips in ways that can leave everyone richer, right into 2025.

For every life ambition that Mars’ retrograde muddies, the new direct approach of Mercury can clarify – so your key planet December mantra is, never give up. A table set for a few, can more than double in size, when Jupiter and Saturn square up on December 24.


Maybe you usually love to keep partners guessing, but Venus’ new position this month values security first. So this is your moment to acknowledge you need more — and that it is strong, not weak, to say so. The smallest Christmas gift can carry the biggest emotional impact. Fancy-free Scorpios could find all you dream of in an extravagantly- decorated location.

Special date

December 9 – Pluto and the moon stir up career potential that needs to be actioned immediately. Use it or lose it!

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