The video consists of a series of animated infographics. This description explains the text on screen and the animated sequences linking them.
A football rolls onto screen – a blue background – while a basketball falls through a hoop and a bicycle rolls.
£107.2 billion – Total annual social value of sport and physical activity in England for 2022-23.
The animations fade away and the text disappears.
£96.7 billion – Primary value of sport and physical activity: individual wellbeing
An icon of a head appears on the screen with a heart in the centre of the head.
£10.5 billion – Secondary value of sport and physical activity: wider value to society
An icon of a group of people appears on screen, with a circle sweeping around their feet to indicate togetherness.
£96.7 billion in Primary value
A graphic appears on screen with the Primary value figure at the top, with three arrows underneath it showing the three values that contribute to the total figure.
£8.2 billion – adult volunteering to support sport and physical activity.
An icon with two hands shaking, in the shape of a heart, appears on the screen.
This figure consists of an average value per adult of £2,100 from weekly volunteering and £1,000 per adult from monthly volunteering.
£79.9 billion – adult participation
An icon of two adults in a green circle appears on the screen.
The figure consists of an average value per ‘active’ adult of £2,500 and an average value per ‘fairly active’ adult of £1,200.
£8.6 billion – children and young people (ages 11-16) participation.
An icon of two children in a green circle appears on the screen.
The figure consists of an average value per ‘active’ young person of £4,100 and an average value per ‘fairly active’ young person of £3,100.
The existing graphics transition off the screen and a new orange background appears with a blue pulsing heart, a head with a brain inside and a stethoscope appears.
£10.5 billion – secondary value of sport and physical activity: wider value to society.
A graphic appears on screen with the Secondary value figure at the top, with three arrows underneath it showing the three values that contribute to the total figure.
£1.3 billion – reduced GP visits and mental health service usage
An icon appears with a prescription chart, a person and a downward arrow.
£9.3 billion – prevention of disease and chronic health conditions (across 14 health outcomes – e.g. depression and type 2 diabetes).
An orange icon of a heart, with a cross in the middle of it, appears on screen.
-£0.13 billion – cost of sports injuries
Average secondary health value per ‘active’ adult is £315.
Average secondary health value per ‘fairly active’ adult is £230.
All current graphics fade out of vision and the £107.2 billion figure reappears, with a line underneath showing the relevant contributions to the figure from the Primary (£96.7 billion) and Secondary (£10.5 billion) values.
All current graphics fade out of vision and a set of scales appear on a purple background, along with an ‘not equal to’ symbol.
£15.6 billion – annual cost of inequality in adult physical activity levels (calculated from both primary and secondary values).
All current graphic dissolve from the screen and a white background appears with the Sport England logo on it.
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Special thanks to our partners:
Manchester Metropolitan University
Sheffield Hallam University
State of Life