Thursday, September 19, 2024

World Vision UK delivers a petition to No 10: It’s time to prioritise Children in Global Aid | Charity Today News

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In a powerful call to action, World Vision UK, joined by Reverend Chris Lee of St Saviour’s Church, Wendell Park, delivered a petition to No.10 Downing Street, urging the Prime Minister to centre children in the UK’s aid and foreign policy. Supported by over 1,500 advocates, the petition demands urgent action to create a world truly fit for children. 

With 333 million children living in extreme poverty and over 400 million growing up amidst conflict and violence, the need for decisive action is undeniable. Conflict further exacerbates these vulnerabilities. In Ukraine, children face not only the trauma of war but also heightened risks of abuse and human trafficking. In Gaza, children represent half of the 1.9 million displaced individuals, many of whom have been killed or injured. Sudan, too, presents a grim scenario, with over half of its population expected to face acute food insecurity due to ongoing conflict, including one million people at risk of famine-like conditions by the end of 2024.  

A world fit for children is one where every child’s potential is realised, where their fundamental needs are met, and where they are protected from harm while being actively involved in decisions that impact their lives. Yet, overlapping crises such as climate change, armed conflict, and the global cost of living crisis are depriving children of essential healthcare, nutrition, education, and protection. 

Reverend Chris Lee said:

“These children are not just statistics; they are beloved by God, each with a name, a story, and a future that must be protected.”  

World Vision UK delivers a petition to No 10: It's time to prioritise Children in Global AidAs a leading global player, the UK has both the responsibility and the capacity to address this crisis by prioritising children in its aid and foreign policy. To address these urgent issues, World Vision UK, supported by 1,500 signatures, calls on the UK Government to take decisive action in three key areas: 

  • Investing in Children: Evidence shows that every £1 spent on child-related activities generates £10 in return. Prioritising aid for children is not just a moral imperative but a smart investment in our shared future.
  • Championing Child Rights: Although the UK ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1991, this commitment has not always been fully realised. We urge the Government to honour this commitment by incorporating child rights into foreign policy and appointing a Special Envoy for Children within the FCDO.
  • Listening to Children: Every child has the right to meaningful participation in decisions affecting their lives. By embedding child and youth consultations across the FCDO and diplomatic offices, the UK Government can ensure that children’s voices and solutions to global challenges are recognised.

The petition also requests to the UK government for the appointment of a Special Envoy for Children within the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the integration of meaningful child and youth consultations across the FCDO and its diplomatic missions. It is imperative that children’s voices are heard and their perspectives on issues affecting their lives are acknowledged.  

Erica Hall, Head of Policy & Government Relations at World Vision UK said:

“Children around the world, are disproportionately suffering from the combined effects of poverty, conflict, and hunger. Alarmingly, only 5% of global Official Development Assistance (ODA) is allocated directly to child-centred programmes. Prioritising investment in children is not only a profound ethical responsibility but also a strategic move to maximise the effectiveness of aid.”

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